For instance, the Vulcan Cannons, at one stage, drop their fire rates and upgrade their projectiles to deal twice the damage per hit, and the Mega Cannon switches from shooting small peas to launching huge energy pulses at the same rate of fire near the middle of its upgrade chain. Nearly always, the upgrade is accompanied by a change in weapon visuals: pairs of bullets, wider lasers that pulsate, faster missiles that deliver greater splash damage and range, giant sonic waves and so on. Explosions in Space: Justified for the Zica Flamethrower. Meat O Vision: A hungry Billy hallucinates the turkey is a cartoony looking cooked one, and somehow eats it whole. This does not end well. Mobile Menace: So it turns out the turkey can drive. He’s defeated by a deus ex machina after putting up no more of a fight than a random mook. Dark Is Not Evil: The title Dark Tower is the axis upon which the countless realities and universes spin, and is implied to be the manifestation of the creator Gan Itself. Desert Punk Deus ex Machina: Played entirely straight (and lampshaded) with Stephen King showing up in Book Six and has a direct hand in Book 7.
Replica Hermes Birkin Arc Words: “I believe that everything will be alright in the end. And if everything is not alright, then it is not the end.” Arranged Marriage: Sonny’s mum wants to marry him off to a wealthy girl from Delhi. Bollywood Nerd: Subverted. Starfish Language: The Tersurons communicated via carefully modulated flatulence. The Master and the Doctor are both fluent. Sweater Girl: Julia Sawalha’s sixties companion look has this. The MS DOS port of Thief of Fate was also notoriously problematic, with a slow and awkward interface, magic items that didn’t work, monsters with ineffectual attacks, and a massively increased random encounter frequency that many people found nigh impossible to play through. Nigh Invulnerable: The Destiny Knight, of whom it is said “Of wounds this man can never die”, cannot be killed by hit point damage. Nintendo Hard: It makes Wizardry look like Half Minute Hero. Replica Hermes Birkin
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